Before World War II, most aircraft engine components were hand stamped, which often led to stress fractures in the metal. During the war, the Army Air Corp commissioned several Cleveland engineering groups to create an alternate method of marking these critical components. Electrochemical etching – a controlled corrosion of a metallic surface via electric current – soon became a preferred method of marking for aeronautics and other specialized applications.

Monode Marking Products Inc. is proud to announce the acquisition of the Lectroetch Company of Cleveland Ohio. Existing and new customers will truly see the benefits of combining the technical and administrative resources of the two companies.


Common uses include:


Shallow Etching

Shallow etching results from a deposit of a contrasting surface mark approximately one ten-thousandth of an inch deep.

Shallow etching is very fast – a mark is typically produced in less than a second. The impression is dark in color, the degree of which depends on a number of factors including the base metal. Some stainless steel yields only a dark brown mark, whereas Monel can produce a jet black mark with the proper electrolyte.

Deep Etching

Deep etching uses a heavy duty power unit with DC current to remove metallic ions from the base material.

When used with an appropriate stencil material, etching pad and the material-specific electrolyte, base material can be removed without molecular deformation into the part being etched. A heavy duty power unit can easily produce etches in the range of .001 – .003 inches, and often deeper if required.

If repeatable depth is necessary, use of a power unit with both cycle and current pulse timers is recommended.

When deep etches exceeding .003 inches are required, it is advisable to use a pulsating power unit with a timer. The pulsating current takes advantage of the peak power surge at the beginning of each pulse to reduce overall etch time as well as heat buildup in the stencil, the marking head and the part being etched.

Power Unit

Monode's electrochemical etching power units provide a low voltage secondary power supply that can be switched between AC and DC output. Most power units provide between 6 – 44 volts output, controllable via a rheostat.



Electrolytes are generally a mild mineral-salt solution custom blended to match the base material being etched. Electrolytes conduct current and dissipate heat to help keep the stencils and marking head cool during the etch process.



A custom-blended, near-neutral solution that will encapsulate any residual oxides or electrolytes from the surface of the parts being marked, therefore preventing corrosion or staining. As electrochemical etching involves an aggressive chemical reaction, it can be an initiation site for future corrosion. Thus, all etched parts must be neutralized after the etching process takes place.



MODSe Stencil Cutting System MODSe 24-Pin Printer USB cabling Tractor-feed Handles Monode stencil paper in 2½, 3¾ and 6" widths



Our AM25 provides fast, accurate production electrochemical etching at up to 1800 cycles per hour.

AM25 Marking Machine

USB Thermal Printer

Monode's USB Thermal Stencil System is a high-quality etch solution for your serializing, 2D or low volume applications.

USB Thermal Printer

Custom Stencils

The toughest of all electrochemical etching stencils, these are constructed on a synthetic woven fiber base. Because of the relatively heavy diameter of the woven fibers of these stencils they are recommended for stencil designs with features that are at least 3/32" deep.

Photosensitive Stencils

Insert Stencils

Designed for use with Monode automatic marking machines. Stencils are reinforced with a heavy-duty flexible frame for easy handling and polarized locating holes for consistent re-registration onto marking fixtures.

Insert Stencils

Grid Marking Equipment

Lectroetch and Monode's grid marking process for marking a variety of square or circular grid patterns.

Grid Marking Equipment

Stencil paper

Stencil Paper Monode's tractor-fed and die impression stencil paper has been the standard for electrochemical etching for over 60 years. We make it in our Mentor, Ohio facility to our exacting quality standards.

Stencil Paper

Inspection Markers and Caps

Small marking heads typically used for applying inspection symbols in the aerospace industry. The simple construction of the formed stencil cap facilitates quick changeover and uniform quality marks even in very small areas. Custom sizes are available upon request.

Inspection Markers & Caps

Hand Markers

Hand markers are available in a wide range of standard sizes, and can also be machined at custom angles or contours for access to difficult marking locations.

Hand Markers

Deep Etch Pads & Monopads

A deep etch pad consists of a fibrous material which, with slight pressure, will push through the image area on the stencil. This allows current to flow freely and easily to ensure good continuity. It is necessary for the deep etch pad to be saturated with electrolyte at all times as this will keep the stencil cool and provide a good pathway for the current to reach the part being etched. The presence of the deep etch pad and the excess electrolyte will increase the life of the stencil.

Pads & Monopads

Bench Fixtures

Bench fixtures can be used with any power unit and work with hand marking as well as semi-automatic units.

Bench Fixtures

Stencil Magic

This easy-to-apply formulation repairs damaged stencils by fixing pin holes, leaks and wear areas.

Stencil Magic

9200 Tyler Boulevard

Mentor, Ohio 44060

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