Handheld Barcode Readers

Handheld Barcode Readers

The Monode team of engineers can help you choose a handheld barcode reader for your specific application. Allow Monode to leverage our decades of experience in marking and verification to assist you in an error-free implementation.


Monode's engineers are often asked whether a smartphone might be a good substitute for a dedicated handheld barcode reader. Usually, the answer is no. While today's smartphones can do a servicable job of reading some barcodes in optimum conditions, they're typically not suitable for the challenging conditions and stringent security requirements of the manufacturing workflow. Below are just a few of the advantages of using a handheld barcode reader instead of a smartphone.
Handheld readers have the perfect form factor
Handheld readers offer a variety of form factors suited to specific applications, including supermarket style, wired, wireless, data input and inline. Smartphones are a "one size fits all" rectangle which can result in an awkward fit when trying to scan complex parts.
Handheld readers are ready "out of the box"
Handheld readers are ready "out of the box" to read all barcodes – including 1D, stacked and 2D – using the best methods and algorithms possible. Smartphones typically require the operator to download multiple applications in search of one that can read the barcode at hand.
Handheld readers keep your information secure
Handheld readers are dedicated devices with multiple security options. Smartphones are prone to hacking and unauthorized access. Barcode reading applications on smartphones are not subject to security audits – where is your sensitive data ending up? Moreover, if a smartphone is owned by an employee rather than his or her employer, this opens up another level of security and productivity concerns.
Handheld readers have industrial-grade lighting
Handheld readers have a full array of industrial-grade lighting, and typically offer multiple lighting angle and color options to provide an optimum reading environment. Smartphones usually only have a single on-board white LED.
Handheld readers are far more rugged
Handheld readers are offered in a variety of ratings and standards. Some are so hardened as to be waterproof and withstand repeated dropping with no problems whatsover. Smartphones are often fragile and may not even survive a single drop onto a factory floor.
Handheld readers are much faster.
Handheld readers are typically benchmarked to read a barcode within milliseconds. Smartphones can take up to 30 seconds to do a single read depending on conditions.

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