Scribe marking is the perfect solution to the need for an engraved mark with clean, sharp lines and generating little to no noise during production.
In scribe marking, a constant force is generated via a carbide or diamond tipped marking using a pneumatic or electric source.
Typically scribe or diamond dragging is primarily used on plastics, metals and composites that are flat or as close to flat as possible.
Common uses include:
Our diamond dragging technology employs a robust pin using light, medium or heavy pressure depending on the application. The result is a continuous line mark that typically has a higher cosmetic value than many other marking methods.
Monode’s scribe marking machines are available with multiple configuration options including speed and depth of mark. We can also engineer a custom scribe marking solution for your specific application.
Convert standard BenchDot machines to scribe mark on parts. Choose between diamond or carbide tipped stylus.
Portable line is a favorite with machine builders and anyone with any type of an automation line.
Pneumatic scribing system generates high-quality continuous style marks on materials ranging from plastics to hardened steel.